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2021-03-05 15:03  



近年来主持或主研“Study on End Face Combustion Behavior of Highly Densified Biomass Briquette(高密度生物质燃料端面燃烧特性)”、“Soot formation with preheated air flow under microgravity and normal gravity conditions(微重力及正常重力下预热空气对碳烟生成特性的影响)”日本文部省科研项目2项,世界顶尖企业Philip Morris International合作项目5项,参与设计IQOS新型电加热烟草系统,省部级科研项目3项,校级科研项目2项,发表学术期刊及会议论文30余篇,多次参加国际燃烧会议(International Symposium on Combustion)、亚太燃烧会议(ASPACC)并做口头报告。2015年获得亚太燃烧会议青年科学家奖励,2015-2016年获得日本北海道大学学习奖励奖学金。




[1]重庆科技学院科研启动项目,重庆科技学院,2020.01 - 2023.12,150万,主持。

[2]重庆市出站留(来)渝博士后择优资助项目,2019.12 - 2021.12,15万,主持。

[3]高含水率沼渣自维持阴燃点火极限及机理研究,重庆市教委科学技术研究项目,2020.10 - 2023.10,3万元,主持

[4]Soot formation with preheated air flow under microgravity and normal gravity conditions,日本文部省自然科学项目,2013.12-2016.12,750万日元,主研

[5]Study on End Face Combustion Behavior of Highly Densified Biomass Briquette,日本文部省自然科学项目,2010.10-2016.10,800万日元,主研

[6]Verification of the Absence of Combustion Processes in the Electrically Heating Tobacco System,世界顶尖企业Philip Morris International次世代加热不燃烧烟草合作项目,2016.04 - 2017.12,300万日元,主研

[7]Verification of the Absence of Combustion Processes in the Carbon Heated Tobacco Product,世界顶尖企业Philip Morris International次世代加热不燃烧烟草合作项目,2017.07-2017.12,430万日元,主研



[1]Hui Yan, Osamu Fujita*, Experimental investigation on the smoldering limit of scraps of paper initiated by a cylindrical rod heater [J]. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2019 (37): 4099-4106.

[2]Hui Yan, Osamu Fujita*, Study of the transient combustion of highly densified biomass briquette (Bio-coke) in an air flow[J]. Fuel. 2017 (188): 595-602.

[3]Takero Nakahara, Hui Yan, Hiroyuki Ito, Osamu Fujita*, Study on one-dimensional steady combustion of highly densified biomass briquette (bio-coke) in air flow[J]. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2015 (35) 2415-2422.

[4]Jun Shi*, Hui Yan, Qi Huang, Jinyu. Ran*, Inhibition effect of methanol addition on carbon deposition in propane pyrolysis[J]. Fuel. 2021 (288):119717.


[1]Hui Yan, Numerical Calculation on Extinction Limit of Bio-coke in Convective Air Flow, The Combustion Institute,The Young Investigator Award,2015.(获奖)




[1]Osamu Fujita, Hui Yan, Verification of the absence of combustion/smoke in electrically heated tobacco system, EHTS, 2015.






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